General terms & conditions

  1. Legal Policy

    E-mail: [email protected]


    These Terms of Use define the terms and conditions under which users  may access and use the Site.

    The Site offers e-liquid, electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarette accessories for sale. To purchase the Products, you must create a customer account, which is accessible solely to anyone trading for personal use.

    The Terms of Use are supplemented by the Terms of Sale and Legal Policies accessible on the Site.

    Any order placed on the Site is governed by our Terms of Use, our Terms of Sale and our legal policies and implies the User's agreement to these rules.


    Equipment (computers, telephones, software, electronic devices, etc.) that allow access to the site are borne by and under the exclusive responsibility of the user, as well as the communication costs incurred by their use.

    The User undertakes, every time he uses the Site, to behave normally and reasonably and not to attempt in any way to disrupt its proper functioning.

    In particular, the User undertakes not to:

    disrupt, delay, block or modify the normal flow of data exchanged in the context of the use of the Site,
    accelerate the speed of scrolling through the contents of the Site in such a way as to modify or alter its operation,
    take any other action that has an equivalent disruptive effect on the functionality of the Site,
    fraudulently access, maintain, disrupt or disrupt the Site's access systems.

    The User is solely responsible for the maintenance and use of his access codes. Unless proven otherwise, any connection to the Site or transmission of data using the User's access codes shall be deemed to have been made by the User.

    Therefore, the User undertakes to keep his access codes secret and may not disclose them to third parties in any form whatsoever. In addition, the User must disconnect at the end of each session.

    The User is solely responsible for any financial consequences resulting from the use of the Site under his name in the interest of a third party.

    The User undertakes to carry out an appropriate control of the system, with regard to technical developments, in order to avoid any form of hacking on the Site and in particular to prevent illegal use or any use contrary to the entire or share the Terms of Use of any information or content on the Site in any way.

    It is up to the User to inform MR-JOY as soon as he becomes aware of any hacking and especially of any illegal or non-contractual use of all or parts of the Site, regardless of the method used.

    Likewise, the User must inform MR-JOY without undue delay if he notices a breach of the security system, in particular in connection with an intentional communication or misappropriation of his access codes, so that MR-JOY [ can/may] take without further delaying any action necessary to remedy the security breach.

    If MR-JOY becomes aware of a security breach that could compromise the security of the Site, MR-JOY may temporarily suspend its services, without prior notice, in order to resolve such security breach as quickly as possible to remedy.

    Creating the customer account

    To access the services of MR-JOY and to order Products, the Customer must have created a customer account by providing the following information:

    A valid email address,
    a password and its confirmation,
    last name,
    first name and title,
    date of birth,

    and click on "REGISTER When entering the Site, the User must declare that he/she is/will be at least 18 years old, as no sales to minors are made on the Site.

    Once connected to the Site, the User remains authenticated for 1 hour.

    The User agrees to provide accurate and complete information as requested in the creation form, to keep it up to date and to communicate any changes without delay.

    To create a customer account, you must provide a valid email address.

    If the User provides false, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete information, MRJOY has the right to refuse the creation of his Customer Account, suspend or close it, and to immediately refuse the execution of his orders and reserves. the right to take all appropriate legal steps.

    Access to the customer account

    When creating his Customer Account, the User is required to define access codes (his email address and a password) that are personal to him.

    The User's access codes allow him to identify himself and access his Customer Account and the services available on the Site.

    The Customer Account contains personal data. The User must ensure that he chooses a "strong" password. A good password should contain at least 8 characters of 4 different types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters.

    To prevent subsequent hacks, the customer account must have a unique password. The User may not choose a password that he already uses for another account.

    Any attempt to replace another User's password or login is strictly prohibited.

    In the event of loss of the password, the User will be asked to enter his identification email address linked to his Customer Account and press "RESET". A confirmation email will then be sent to this address allowing the User to reset his password.

    Close a customer account

    The User may request the termination of his Customer Account with MR-JOY at any time, without any costs other than those incurred for sending his request, and without any reason, by sending an email to the following address: rgpd@ . The termination is deemed to have taken place within eight (8) working days after receipt by MR-JOY BELGIUM BV of the confirmation by e-mail of the request to close the relevant Customer Account, except for current orders. In this case, the Customer account will be closed eight (8) working days after delivery of the last ordered Products.

    MR-JOY reserves the full right to suspend and/or terminate the User's Customer Account, without compensation and without legal formalities, in the event of serious violation by the User of the Terms of Use and the Terms of Sale fifteen (15 ) days after a formal notice requesting the User to comply with the Terms of Use and the Terms of Sale has been sent by email, but remains of no effect.

    MR-JOY BELGIUM BV also reserves the right to automatically terminate the User's Customer Account subject to a notice period of thirty (30) days after sending a notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

    The User will be informed by email of the termination of his Customer Account. The User's data will be deleted at the User's request or upon expiry of the legal deadlines following the termination of the User's Customer Account or the delivery of the last order. The accounting data can only be deleted after a period of five (5) years.


    The Site is protected by a security system. MR-JOY has adopted the SSL and 3D Secure encryption process to protect all sensitive data related to payment methods as effectively as possible.


    MR-JOY makes every effort to enable access, consultation and use of the Site in accordance with the rules governing Internet use.

    However, MR-JOY cannot guarantee that the Site will be free from anomalies, viruses, errors or bugs, nor that they can be corrected, nor that the Site will function without interruption or interference, nor that it will be compatible with computer equipment. or specific configuration.

    The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or the occurrence of an event beyond the control of MR-JOY and subject to any malfunctions and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site .

    Maintenance interventions can be carried out at any time without prior notice to the User.

    The User declares that he accepts the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, and in particular its technical performance, response times for consulting, retrieving or transferring data and the risks related to the security of communications.

  4. In this context, the User acknowledges that:

    it is the User's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software against contamination by any viruses circulating on the Site,
    use of the Site is at the User's own risk; the Site is accessible to the User "as is" and subject to its availability,
    the User is solely responsible for any damage to his device or any loss of data resulting from downloading or consulting the Site,
    the User is solely responsible for the use he makes of the Site,
    the communication of information considered confidential is done under the responsibility of the User,
    it is the User's responsibility to take all necessary steps to ensure that any material downloaded or otherwise obtained by the User while using the Site is done at the User's own risk,
    the technical characteristics of his equipment allow him to consult the Site.

    Consequently, and within the limits permitted by law, MR-JOY BELGIUM BV cannot be held liable for any form of foreseeable or unforeseeable damage, material or intangible (including loss of profit or opportunity...) suffered by the User and resulting from the use or total or partial inability to use the Site and/or any of the services offered.


    All copyright (in particular all designs, texts, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio and video clips, the selection and arrangement thereof, and all software contained on the site), graphic design rights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in any material or information on the Site remains the exclusive property of MR-JOY BELGIUM BV under all circumstances. Nothing in the Terms of Use or in the content of the Site shall be construed as granting, directly or by implication, any license or right other than to [view/access] the Site.

    In general, and without this list being exhaustive, the User agrees:

    to use and/or download the information on the Site on his equipment solely for his own personal use and for a limited period of time,
    to print the downloaded information only on paper provided that the copies so made are for personal use only,
    not to copy and/or reproduce the Site in whole or in part, in particular on another site or on an internal company network,
    not to reproduce, reuse, summarize, modify, alter, move, extract, replace, store or redistribute, represent or store, directly or indirectly, on any medium, in any manner and in any form, in whole or in part of the information and/or reproductions (illustrations, photographs, etc.) appearing on the Site and/or the name, logo(s), trademark(s) of MR-JOY


    MR-JOY reserves the right to change the content of the Terms of Use unilaterally and at any time without prior notice to the User. The User must therefore regularly consult the latest version of the Terms of Use available on the Site before placing an order and discontinue use of the Site in the event of any disagreement with the Terms of Use in force.


    The Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites over which MR-JOY has no control. Despite the prior and regular checks carried out by MR-JOY, the latter declines any responsibility for the content found on these sites.

    MR-JOY authorizes the creation of hyperlinks to any page or document on its Site, provided that the links are not intended for commercial or advertising purposes and that MR-JOY has expressly authorized the creation of the left.

    MR-JOY reserves the right to remove at any time any hyperlink referring to its site if it believes that it conflicts with its editorial policy.


    The User's personal data are necessary to manage the services related to his Customer Account and to manage commercial relationships.

    For more information on the use of personal data in connection with MR-JOY, the user can consult the Privacy Policy and Cookie Management Policy pages.


    The interpretation and implementation of the Terms of Use, as well as all actions arising or resulting from them, are subject to French law, regardless of the place of delivery of the Products, the place of placing an order, nationality of the User and his address.

    Any dispute arising from this agreement and/or from an order addressed to MR-JOY and/or from a sale carried out by MR-JOY will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court of Paris, even in the event of an appeal for guarantee or from multiple defendants or incidental request.